
A request can be categorized in one or more of the four groups according to the type of procedure to follow for answering it. Learn more about the different types of categories below:

Horizon Scanning requests

Impacts of ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) on wildlife

End Date: 04/2018
Type of request: Horizon scanning
Requester: Buglife

Subject: What are the impacts of artificial electromagnetic radiation on wildlife (invertebrates, vertebrates and plants)?

Knowledge Synthesis requests

BioAgora  – Cumulative impacts of offshore wind farms on marine ecosystems

End Date: Ongoing – Open call for Peer Review until Monday September 23rd
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment (EC – DG ENV)
Funder: EU Horizon Europe project “Connecting biodiversity knowledge and decision-making” – BioAgora

Subject: What are the cumulative impacts of offshore wind farms and their consequences for the achievement of good environmental status of marine ecosystems?

EmpowerUs  – Building Resilient Coastal Communities through Nature-based solutions (NBS) and Empowerment Tools .

End Date: 06/2024 – New Evidence report – released –
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: EU Horizon europe project “Socio-economic empowerment of coastal communities as users of the sea to ensure sustainable coastal development” (EmpowerUs)

Subject: How community empowerment tools and nature-based solutions (NBS) can contribute to addressing coastal challenges and building resilient communities?

Biodiversity and Pandemics

End Date: 11/2023
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requesters: European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (EC-DG RTD),European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environnent (EC – DG ENV), European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (EC-DG AGRI), European Commission’s Directorate-General DG Health Emergency preparedness and Response Authority (EC – DG HERA), PREZODE, One Health High-Level Expert Panel, Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NRI), Project HERA (Health Environment Research Agenda for Europe)

Subject: Building on existing relevant work on research agendas and knowledge gap analysis, identifying interdisciplinary research and action priorities, that contribute to a strategic research agenda on biodiversity and pandemics addressing the critical interlinkages between relevant sectors needed to make future actions more effective.

Incorporating ecosystem services in mitigation hierarchy policy

End Date: 06/2023 New Evidence Report
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB) – French Biodiversity Agency

Subject: How can we improve adherence to the Mitigation hierarchy using ecosystem services with particular focus on the avoid stage?

Macroalgae cultivation and ecosystem services

End Date: 05/2022
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs & Fisheries (DG MARE), Unit for Maritime Innovation, Marine Knowledge and Investment

Subject: What is the state of knowledge regarding the potential of macroalgae culture in providing climate-related and other ecosystem services (i.e. coastal protection; nutrient recycling; lower impact food; lower impact material; etc.)? Are there specific knowledge gaps to be addressed before harvesting this potential?

Monitoring freshwater ecosystems

End Date: 04/2021
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

Subject: How can we help countries to effectively monitor their freshwater ecosystem? and resources? (scoping phase)

Impacts of green and blue space on mental health

End Date: 03/2021
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: French Ministery of Ecological Transition (MTES), 3rd National Action Plan on Health and Environment (PNSE3), Expert Working Group Biodiversity & Health and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Subject: Which types and components of urban and peri-urban blue/green spaces have a significant impact on human mental health and mental well-being?

Impact evaluation framework for Nature Based Solutions

End Date: 2017
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG R&I)

Subject: An impact evaluation framework to support planning and evaluation of nature-based solutions projects.

Environmental regulation, business and biodiversity

End Date: 06/2018
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

Subject: How can environmental regulators support businesses to improve the outcomes of their operations for biodiversity, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises in the food and beverage sector in Europe?

Integrating biodiversity research and knowledge at European and global scales

End Date: 01/2019
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG R&I)

Subject: What needs to be done to better integrate research and knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services from the global to the European level, and vice versa?

Biodiversity and the Common Agricultural Policy

End Date: 06/2019
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis and Horizon scanning
Requester: IUCN and the Swedish Board of Agriculture

Subject: What measures are most promising to deliver on supporting biodiversity and ecosystem services in the next round of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)?

Impacts of European energy policy on global biodiversity

End Date: 07/2019
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: Centre for Development and Environment University of Bern

Subject: How are European energy policies affecting biodiversity and ecosystem services in countries globally?

Restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services

End Date: 02/2020
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: BiodivERsA

Subject: Is missing knowledge hampering the effectiveness of approaches that aim to restore biodiversity and ecosystem function and services?

Pollinator conservation measures

End Date: 04/2020
Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis
Requester: Pollinis

Subject: What are the impacts of pesticide and fertiliser use in farmland on the effectiveness of adjacent pollinator conservation measures such as flower strips and hedgerows?

Societal Engagement requests

Post-2020 biodiversity and transformative change

End Date: 10/2020
Type of request: Societal Engagement and Support Initiatives
Requester: Alternet and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG R&I)

Subject: To significantly contribute to the development of the EU post-2020 Biodiversity Strategy and the success of its implementation by, inter alia, ensuring the policy relevance of the ALTER-Net conference sessions and maximise uptake of its outputs / What is Transformative Change, how can biodiversity policy trigger Transformative Change and how this can be translated into actions, goals, targets and pathways for the Global Biodiversity Strategy to 2030?”

Support Initiatives requests

Post-2020 biodiversity and transformative change

End Date: 10/2020
Type of request: Societal Engagement and Support Initiatives
Requester: Alternet and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG R&I)

Subject: To significantly contribute to the development of the EU post-2020 Biodiversity Strategy and the success of its implementation by, inter alia, ensuring the policy relevance of the ALTER-Net conference sessions and maximise uptake of its outputs / What is Transformative Change, how can biodiversity policy trigger Transformative Change and how this can be translated into actions, goals, targets and pathways for the Global Biodiversity Strategy to 2030?”

Supporting European contributions to IPBES

End Date: 04/2019
Type of request: Support Initiatives
Requester: European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment (DG Environment)

Subject: How could the comments from the scientific community support the comments/questions of the EU negotiators of the IPBES SPM on Global assessment?

Supporting science-policy dialogue at COP-14

End Date: 12/2018
Type of request: Support Initiatives
Requester: European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG R&I)

Subject: How to enable a Science-Policy dialogue on biodiversity at the CBD CoP-14 Science forum?