Across Europe, a range of networks are active in the Science-Policy-Society Interfaces on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Eklipse recognized the added-value of a dynamic and open network of networks, and took the initiative to create the “European Network of Networks for Science-Policy-Society Interfaces (SPSI) on Biodiversity” (ENoN).
The ENoN vision is to support knowledge-based decision-making in Europe related to biodiversity, ecosystems, and the services they provide to society; contribute to enhancing the legitimacy and transparency of the science-policy-society interfaces; strengthen collaborative work across countries and knowledge domains; and increase the reach and representativeness of all its members.
Within the ENoN, networks are defined in a broad and inclusive manner, aiming to identify and connect with a variety of structures offering “organized exchange” in aspects of knowledge, information and common goals, including: networks of institutions, EU funded projects, learned societies / social networks, government related organizations and societal interests related groups.