
Why Eklipse was created

Our vision is to ensure a sustainable future in which decisions affecting biodiversity and ecosystems services are based on trusted evidence, provided by experts following an ethical and transparent process.

Eklipse was created in 2016 to help governments, institutions, businesses, and NGOs make better-informed decisions when it comes to biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe. Eklipse has already answered requests on a wide range of topics, by synthesizing the best available knowledge from both scientists and other knowledge holders.

Eklipse has a fourfold approach:

  • Answering questions from decision-makers by synthesising the best available knowledge
  • Facilitating evidence-based decisions through a transparent, proven, and robust request process
  • Creating a European network of experts and knowledge holders recognised for their work
  • Increasing citizen engagement in science-policy interface activities

Listen to our podcast episode on Anchor and learn “How Eklipse makes a difference”.

web in the forest

What our work consists of

We regularly launch calls for requests from policy and societal actors to identify topics requiring in-depth analysis. We finetune the request question with the requester and use one – or a combination – of  our 20 synthesis methods to answer it. The request process is complete when we provide our requester with a consolidated view from knowledge holders on their subject of interest.

Eklipse has received 55 requests through open calls. The 14 most relevant requests for decision-makers were selected and answered; these requests cover a wide array of topics, ranging from nature-based solutions to electro-magnetic radiation.

Amongst our past requesters are:

Added values of Eklipse

Eklipse’s robust process for answering the need for evidence is what sets it apart. This innovative, ethical process enables us to leverage collective intelligence from a diversity of experts in a broad set of countries. It ensures synthesized knowledge will be relevant and legitimate — which allows it to be used effectively, even on contested issues.  Eklipse´s first Method Expert Group (MEG) identified a set of knowledge synthesis methods detailed in the following Eklipse report, in order to tailor the best possible method (or combination of methods) to each request.

Requesters can present their questions to Eklipse and receive targeted responses based on the best available knowledge within 8-18 months.

Eklipse is a crucial element of the institutional Science-Policy-Society landscape in Europe. While the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) strengthens science policy at the international level, Eklipse fills a key European-level gap by focusing on the specific knowledge needs and questions of European decision-makers.

The process of knowledge synthesis is a crucial element of any science policy interface. Knowledge synthesis refers to a set of methods used to review, collate and communicate the best available knowledge on a specific topic or question. This includes explicit scientific knowledge as well as indigenous and local knowledge, and tacit technical or opinion-based knowledge held by stakeholders (Dicks et al., 2017).

Added values of Eklipse – unique selling points

5 functions

Answer key questions from policy and/or society by mobilising and synthesising the best available knowledge and experts

Identify current and future emerging issues of policy makers and citizens related to biodiversity and ecosystem services

Create a responsive and active network of experts and knowledge holders across Europe that get acknowledged for providing their knowledge

Improve citizens engagement in SPI activities

Link up with international SPIs such as IPBES, SBSTTA-CBD

A proven and robust process to answer policy relevant requests
Ethical Infrastructure

12 measures; including Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest, Guiding values, etc.

Advanced Governance structure
Strong focus on Networking

European Network of Networks, Capacity building

Method Experts

Most relevant knowledge synthesis methods to match requesters’ needs (set of 20 methods)

Why we are part of a European Network of Networks (ENoN)

Ensuring that the most current and relevant scientific knowledge is available to decision-makers is a vision shared by many networks. Eklipse strives to work with them and form a wide network of networks that will increase the reach of all its members. With this shared goal, the network of networks will support knowledge-based decision-making in Europe, contribute to enhancing the legitimacy and transparency of the science-policy-society interface, and strengthten collaborative work across countries and knowledge domains.