Request > Supporting science-policy dialogue at CoP-14

How to enable a Science-Policy dialogue on biodiversity at the CBD CoP-14 Science forum?

Requester: European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG R&I)


Type of request: Support Initiative
The objective of this request was to provide support to the European Commission Directorate-General Research and Innovation in the organization of the 4th Science-Policy Forum, in the framework of the CBD CoP-14. More specifically, the aim of this Science-Policy dialogue would be to bring together and engage scientists and policy makers participating in the CBD CoP-14, in a transparent dialogue, to recommend how to bring the post-2020 process forward.
The focus of the event was on recommendations of science for the post-2020 process and agenda, enabling a transition towards the 2050 vision, mainstreaming biodiversity into specific sectors, strengthening restoration of degraded ecosystems. It can open new pathways to accelerate implementation of nature-based solutions for nature, people and the economy across different sectors, and on engaging wider parts of the society.

Reference: Request CfR.3/2018/3

Contact points

KCB Focal Points: Ute Jacob and Isabel Sousa Pinto (deputy)
EMB Contact Points: Marie Vandewalle, Zoi Konstantinou, Jorge Ventocilla, Isabel Sousa Pinto, Juliette Young

Final outputs


Final report (14.12.2018)
Document of Work (2018)

Final report


Towards living in harmony with nature by 2050

The science-policy dialogue engaged participants representing science, policy and civil society to discuss how science can foster the implementation of biodiversity policy up to 2020 and inform the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Discussions focused on the following key questions:

  • What is necessary to achieve the 2050 vision for biodiversity?
  • What are the options and how can were-enforce and accelerate action?
  • How to operationalize transitions and transformational changes needed for halting biodiversity loss and ensuring long-term human wellbeing?
  • How to open new pathways to design nature-based solutions for nature and people? And how to engage wider parts of society?

These question stimulated the discussion across the various Forum sessions, which provided input for formulating key messages in the following topic areas:

  • Engaging with society;
  • Disentangling the 2050 vision;
  • Actions to achieve the 2050 vision;
  • Priority areas for target settings;
  • The potential role of Nature-Based solutions;
  • Ecosystem degradation and restoration;
  • Transitions and transformational changes;
  • The knowledge base for baseline setting and monitoring;

For more information about the discussion and the key messages check the final report (here)

The CBD-COP-14 (17-29 November 2018, Sharm El-Sheikh) was instrumental in investigating what could be the long-term strategic directions to the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity. Mainstreaming biodiversity and transformative change were highlighted as indispensable solutions needed to achieve the objectives of CBD and other multilateral agreements, SDGs, and the Paris Agreement.

Mainstreaming biodiversity within and across sectors is a matter of good governance, leadership and building a sustainable economy within planetary boundaries based on a solid knowledge base. COP 13 has analysed mainstreaming among sectors directly dependent on biodiversity and ecosystem services. COP 14 addressed health and sectors having an impact on biodiversity, such as energy and mining, manufacturing and processing industry, as well as infrastructure. Health and sectors having an impact on biodiversity was the overarching theme of the COP High-Level Segment on 14-15/11.

Nature-based solutions are highly relevant for all the topics mentioned above: they are cross-cutting measures for delivering on biodiversity and ecosystem services, they are innovative elements of transformative change, give positive incentives for mainstreaming nature into business sectors, and deliver opportunities for restoration and mitigating climate change, including in highly dynamic urbanizing areas.

  • Date request received: 12.08.2018
  • Expected deadline for deliverables: 14.12.2018

The science-policy dialogue aimed to bring together and engage scientists and policy makers to discuss how science can inform the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. The discussions were particularly focused on what scientists could offer to the preparation of the post-2020 agenda, on concepts for transition, the role of scenarios for pathways, as well as scale and scope of actions towards the 2050 vision, framing the post-2020 targets, and on restoration and nature-based solutions as tools to reach biodiversity targets.

The Forum included panel and round-table discussions, providing a platform for the participants to share knowledge, experiences and solutions for mainstreaming biodiversity and showcase success stories, good practices and approaches, and lessons learned.

Specific tasks for EKLIPSE
  • Suggest potential Speakers (i.e., among the participants of the CoP-14 and external to be invited to the CoP);
  • Mobilize the scientific community participating at the CoP-14 to engage in the Forum;
  • Assist in the dissemination campaign of the event, organized by the requester and the CBD secretariat;
  • Organize and undertake the facilitation of the meeting;
  • Coordinate the development of the final deliverables of the 4th Science-Policy forum.

The results of the Science Forum were submitted to the CBD secretariat through the stakeholders’ participation procedure with possible implications of global scale. The report provides information on key messages, includes analytical information on the different levels of discussions that took place during the Forum, as well as provided information on the structure of the Forum.