Eklipse has previously selected the most relevant requests for decision-makers; these requests cover a wide array of topics,requiring an answer from experts based on the best available knowledge, and a thorough, transparent, reliable process to answer and ranging from nature-based solutions to electro-magnetic radiation. Selected requests are those more relevant for decision-makers, requiring an answer from experts based on the best available knowledge, and a thorough, transparent, reliable process to answer.”
Below is an exhaustive list of Eklipse ongoing and past requests
Macro-algae culture and ecosystem services (ongoing)
Incorporating ecosystem services in mitigation hierarchy policy (ongoing)
Monitoring freshwater ecosystems (ongoing)
Impacts of green and blue space on mental health (ongoing)
Impacts of ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) on wildlife
Impact evaluation framework for Nature Based Solutions
Environmental regulation, business and biodiversity
Integrating biodiversity research and knowledge at European and global scales
Biodiversity and the Common Agricultural Policy
Impacts of European energy policy on global biodiversity
Restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services
Pollinator conservation measures
Post 2020 and transformative change
Incorporating nature’s diverse values in policy
Supporting European contributions to IPBES
Supporting science-policy dialogue at CoP-14
For a better overview of all our past and ongoing requests, visit our Requests webpage.