Engage in Eklipse

Engage in Eklipse and make a difference

There are different ways to engage in Eklipse: by submitting a request; by sharing your knowledge as an expert on a topical issue; or by joining one of the two key Eklipse bodies, the Knowledge Coordination Body (KCB) and the Methods Expert Group (MEG).

Eklipse aims to ensure evidence-based and expert-driven knowledge and decision-making. By joining an Eklipse body, you can play a central role in this process and make a difference by:

  • Building bridges between science, policy and society through knowledge synthesis, identifying research priorities, and contributing to network building
  • Translating research results into useful inputs for policy and co-developing policy questions for use by researchers
  • Critical analysis and reflection on science-policy interface (SPI) processes
  • Contribution to science-policy interface (SPI) processes and fostering a European SPI perspective

Our Calls for membership of the Knowledge Coordination Body (KCB) are addressed to experts interested in contributing to the selection of policy-relevant requests and minimizing the dissonance between relevant existing knowledge and policy decision-making. Involvement in the Knowledge Coordination Body (KCB) is an opportunity to strengthen policy-relevant knowledge synthesis and better understand the needs of decision makers.

Through our Calls for members of the Methods Expert Group (MEG), we invite scientists to provide and share knowledge about different forms, methods and limitations of knowledge collation, appraisal and synthesis. The MEG plays a fundamental role in selecting methods for identifying evidence and knowledge gaps.

The Eklipse Expert Working Groups (EWGs) are in charge of answering the different requests, addressed to Eklipse. The EWGs are expected to have up to 15 experts, covering all relevant disciplines, including natural, social and planning sciences, as well as the humanities.